Friday, November 02, 2007

The Post Gins Up Some Rummy

Your friend and mine Donald Rumsfeld apparently used to fire off about 40-60 little memos a day, termed "snowflakes" for the way they drifted down upon the heads and outstretched tongues of the Department of Defense. After reading several of them, it would appear that the good Secretary was awfully concerned with how things were being perceived in the press, and felt he was often being depicted unfairly. He would, at times, attempt (with some success) to develop counter-narratives to combat the depictions at which he took umbrage.

Does that sound like a Secretary of Defense? Or does that sound like the type of thing that one would expect from, for instance, a blogger?

What's Past Is Prologue. Also, It's Plausibly Deniable.

FEMA held a press conference whereat there was no press, on account of the thing being called at the last minute, etc. FEMA dealt with this particular emergency by providing its own employees to stand in for the press, and lob softballs at the podium with reckless abandon.

Our lovely new White House Press Secretary, Dana Perino, true to form, could not just say "That's embarrassing, here's how it happened, we apologize." Oh no. Not Dana. She's a professional. She had to overextend and say (wait for it) "It is not a practice that we would employ here at the White House or that we -- we certainly don't condone it."

Ahhhh Dana. Really? The White House wouldn't hold a public event and pack the audience with shills? Really? The White House wouldn't do that? They wouldn't call press conferences with no warning? The White House wouldn't screen attendance to ensure only the underhand pitchers get through?

Are you absolutely sure of that?


They have been making me work at work. I know, right? But since the whole reason I started doing this was to have something to do at work, it has put a hitch in my blogging step. There have been ridiculous things going on, and I have not commented upon them. Cardinal sin, for blogs. Two our fathers and two bloody marys for me, for certain.