Friday, October 09, 2009

As Pure An Example Of Shark-Jumping As One Could Ever Hope For

Yes, I realize there is a dangling preposition in the title of this post. But there are more important things afoot. Like the fact that the president just won a Nobel Peace Prize. I'm not sure whether that means that he has jumped the shark or that the Nobel committee has jumped the shark, but I'm pretty sure I just saw a shadow flit across a dorsal fin, and so we can deduce that someone or something has, indeed, vaulted over it.

In a world where reasonable political discourse is the norm, this would be c-c-c-craaaazy stuff, but we don't live in such a world. We live in a world where Sarah Palin is considered to be a viable candidate for public office, and where people straight-facedly call the Fox channel "news," and where people who believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old and that the Congress' current healthcare reform bill contains "death panels" are considered serious analysts whose opinions on the subject of the day, which is often somehow Britney Spears-related (gah!), are to be carefully weighed before coming to any important conclusions about the state of the union.

So, in light of these things and others, I am going to attempt to help you help me get a grasp on the relative weirdness of this morning's central revelation through an intellectual exercise based around the following question:


Is the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama more or less shocking and embarrassing than the fact that his predecessor authorized and carried out a program of torturing civilians in secret CIA prisons in eastern Europe?

1 comment:

The Arthurian said...

What am I doing here at three in the morning? I don't know. To answer your Nobel question... I don't know. But your post got me to smile a bit, even at this wee hour.
