Friday, June 08, 2007

Made In Our Image

I've got a new thought, brought to me by this piece here from June 5th. Have you ever heard the theory that, as their time together increases, people and their pets tend to look more and more like each other? Even so are the United States and Iraq. We get an uptick in homegrown terrorist cells, they get a morally limp-wristed chief executive who uses secrecy and misdirection to bypass the legislative branch, who then start drafting bills that incrementally back the over-reaching leader into a corner from whence he can no longer subvert the will of the people. It's just adorable.

The funny thing is that this situation was entirely foreseeable in 2002, only it was supposed to be Ahmed Chalabi in the top job, not this upstart Maliki character. It must gall dear old Mr. Chalabi something fierce, seeing all his conniving and subterfuge go to some other schlub's benefit, especially after everything went so well there in the early days, kudos to Judy Miller, the brain-trust over there at Project for a New American Century, and the Doug Feith Culinary Intelligence Agency. Ahmed, the course of coup love never did run smooth. Maybe you should try Iran or Pakistan? If you act quickly, before the Democrats get around to doing what they were elected to do, the same tactics will probably work again.

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